Internet & mail

Almost every hotel advertises access to the Internet.

Hardly any had.


Only one of the 7 hotels I stayed at had access to the Internet; so here’s a list of the Internet-places I actually used.

The average price was about 3 CUC for half an hour:




Havana Hotel Parque Central - 4.5 CUC for15 minutes!
Hotel Santa Isabel
Etecsa on Obispo street
Cienfuegos A little shop on the south side of the Boulevard close to the Prado
Trinidad Café las Begonias at the south corner of
A. Marceo and S. Bolivar
Santa Clara A café at the north corner of Marta Abreu and Villuendas
Varadero Hotel Quatro Palmas
Matanzas Etecsa at the corner just across the Cathedral
Playas del Este Hotel Tropicoco - Bravo!